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Satisfied customers

However good a training, programme or coaching has been in my opinion, quality can only be measured by the long-term satisfaction of the client and the results that become visible in the workplace and in the team. 

About Learning Circles

Bert Van den Berghe  -  Manager Clinical Supply Chain Systems, CPDS, Janssen Pharmaceutica R&D 

"I wanted to learn to listen to others better, learn to coach and guide better. Very important for me as a project leader and colleague, indispensable to be able to grow into a role as team leader.

Cécile very naturally encouraged an open atmosphere from day one. She shows great interest, empathy and gives participants the time and space to be themselves, express themselves and be vulnerable. Crucial ingredients that make Learning Circles such a success! It reinforced the openness, honesty and courage of the whole group. We were incredibly supportive of each other, grew strongly as leaders ourselves and laid a foundation for strong relationships in the future.

In particular, I learned to be more conscious in conversations with my colleagues, but also with people in my private life. I am now capable of better dialogues, where we feel more at ease, understand each other better and get better, more supported results together."

Elke Soetaert  -  Manager within Global Regulatory Affairs Business Enablement, GRA BE, Janssen Pharmaceuticall

"It was a tremendous honour being part of the Learning Circles Class (cycle 2021-2022)! Together with an enthusiastic team of colleagues we were able to create a safe space across different departments. Investing time in (self-)reflection, encouraging & inspiring each other to dare holding up a mirror and be vulnerable. After all we are all human beings, and this is exactly where this People & Matrix Leaders course stands out by its approach: connecting the dots between the WHAT & the HOW. As we at J&J continue to invest in our people, the strong relationship between Personal and Professional Leadership skills is even more relevant than ever!

My sincere THANK YOU to our incredible talented coach Cécile Osse, Claire Mackie as passionate member of the organizing council and last but not least our highly supportive management Julie Wyatt & Shannon Leber! What an exciting journey it was!"

About Coaching for Managers

Kathleen Cools & Patrick Gillis  -  Managing directors of Hexacom

Bert Janssen  -  U Head Visco-Elastics, Oinments & Biologicals Compounding & Filling, Novartis

"Cécile's technical scientific background strengthens her empathy and instils confidence.

I myself, as a coachee, was the starting point. By asking and listening intensively, Cécile deepened our conversations step by step. She worked intensely to bring out the causes of my energy – loss or boost – feelings and reactions. She encouraged and helped me to communicate about this openly, transparently and more effectively. 

Linked to that, she provided tools to put my perception in a broader framework and look more strategically at what I want to do with this as a manager. To act not only practically but also, from a 'helicopter view', strategically and have more impact.

A huge advantage of this individual coaching compared to one-off leadership training is the periodic follow-up, at regular intervals. But also the focus on my specific situation: examples that occurred in the past few weeks, each served as case studies, which, because of their periodic nature, were discussed and followed up in greater depth.

The whole thing was embedded in a clear structure: intake, alignment meeting with my supervisor to define my development goals and check out interview."

Petra Brosens -   Work Preparation Coordinator, Connections Department, Fluvius

"I often let negative thoughts and events lead me too easily, which did not put me in a good light with colleagues and other team leaders. It made me start doubting myself and this feeling only got worse.


The start of the coaching was very difficult for me because I had to learn to open up. Fortunately, Cécile radiated a certain calmness, so she gained my trust quite quickly. She really had a listening ear and was able to make me open up more and more.


I learned to open up to others and make clear what is really important to me. Cécile taught me to set my boundaries and how to deal with 'drama behaviour' (difficult or 'survival behaviour': victim behaviour, accusers or rescuers). I was able to apply this to my work preparation team. It has given me a certain calmness, which makes me interact differently with colleagues and other team leaders. I have a more positive attitude in life, which makes functioning much easier."

Michael Charbonneau  -  Regional Sr. Financial Analyst, EMEA Finance, Johnson & Johnson

"I lacked confidence and had difficulties in finding value in myself as a people leader. Someone in my professional network strongly recommended coaching by Cécile.

The way she connected deep and detailed conversations to a higher level of observation, helped me focus on the overall underlying issue rather than being lost in details. I am now confidently able to make decisions personally and professionally without questioning myself. I have gained a lot of self-confidence after having a deep dive into who I am and why I am feeling a certain way in different situations. 

I am extremely grateful for Cécile’s “2-chair” approach – an active approach to solve conflicting dilemmas. I now use this in my everyday life to manage some of the conflicting choices I have and it has been proven to be very beneficial in decision making."

About Trainings and Workshops

Gerry Janssens  -  Head of Credit Recovery, KBC

"My situation prior to training at Play4GROWTH is best described as 'running around like a headless chicken'. I did do things based on a gut feeling, but felt very insecure and constantly sought confirmation. I was also always going for the 'quick wins' to get that quick confirmation. I lacked structured long-term thinking, and also felt insecure about my position within the team. The journey itself was a rollercoaster of emotions, which mostly involved reflecting on myself (and I hadn't expected that). Throughout the process, I learned that you have to know yourself (what are my values, how do I put myself together) and that you are allowed to show how you feel and why you react in a certain way (vulnerability). Therein lies for me the great strength in daring to be a strong leader. It made me less dependent on others (managers, my own people), less afraid to position myself as a leader. Of course, external affirmation still feels good, but this is no longer the only 'oil' that makes me function. 

Cécile Osse's guidance was both inspiring and fascinating. It struck me as very uncomfortable at first ("Is it really necessary to go so deep?" was an initial reaction). But the caring way she did this was inspiring and admirable. Only afterwards did it become clear to me why she was doing this the way she was and only then did I fully realise how amazingly well this worked. 

The result is that I can position myself better within the group and I have gained more strength because I have learned about my own pain points/pitfalls. I have become more open and therefore better able to really reach my people. The great thing about the training programme is that I can now build on the foundation laid at Play4GROWTH myself. What I am especially extremely happy about (and what I had not seen coming) is that I have somehow rediscovered myself. I feel a certain calmness (which was much less the case before). I am very grateful to Cécile for this!"

About 'Responsible Change' projects

Hilde Willems  -  manager Talent Fit Center, Janssen Pharmaceutica NV

"Janssen Pharmaceutica is constantly evolving. Sometimes, positions are scrapped. Affected employees can then opt for guidance from the Talent Fit Centre to look for another job internally. But even if they can stay on board, such an organisational change triggers a lot of emotions. Feelings of helplessness, sadness, doubt; feelings that need to find a place before people regain enough energy to look forward to a new future.

Cécile worked with them in groups within the project: 'Together on the way to a fresh start!' She creates a safe context where everything can and may be expressed; a context in which people feel: I am not alone here, I can regain control and I am supported in this."

Angela  -  Transition Management Advisor at an international Bank

"It is very important that our managers are trained in the human aspect of change. We also offer training for employees, involving awareness and dealing with emotions in the changes. In both cases, we regularly engaged Cécile.

Cécile's coaching and training is characterised by depth and putting people in touch with their deepest desires. Cécile is a warm trainer who inspires confidence in participants with her attention and openness. She sees very sharply what is needed and has the ability to point things out in a very pleasant way.

 Above all, Cécile's approach delivers insight and awareness. If it is a training session with a team, it also provides depth in mutual contact. What this means for functioning is that participants can work better with each other, make (better) informed choices and have more mental space for their work. This means more inspired and motivated employees for the organisation."

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