5 Geheimen van Verbindend communiceren
Do you recognise this? Teams often struggle with 3 things:
they are afraid to hold each other to account and
they don't make themselves heard enough or too much in meetings.
Everyone does their thing, but there is no sense of achieving more together.
For whom?
Team coaching is designed for managers who:
feel there is more to their team than is currently manifesting.
tired of carrying the load alone
realise that change starts with them
no longer feel like going to meetings that employees 'sit through' because they perceive them as 'musts',
want to enter into a real, open conversation with their team, without reproaches or judgements, but based on exploring and learning together,
want more concrete collaboration in their team, but do not know how.

3 Success ingredients
Responsible together:
You grow from 'spider in the web' to 'together at the flywheel' and immediately generate support amongst your team
Emotional safety:
your team not only knows what it is, but comes up with creative solutions to strengthen it themselves.
Connecting, effective communication
& Feedback 2.0
Team coaching always starts from a conversation with you as manager
We look at whether you are taking on the 'right level of responsibility' and what your challenges with your team are from there. Only once the picture is clear for you will we start working with your team.
They often involve half-day or full-day sessions, in which the team:
starts to realise that a GOOD team, is a team where OPINIONS CAN DIFFER. That a good team, in fact, is one in which you can be critical of each other, because you know that you will all be better for it
learns to appreciate what is already there: as a basis for emotional safety in the team
share and concretise their shared ambition or dream, with everyone's personal values as a strong foundation
investigates which habits or patterns help us and which hinder us from realising our ambition
based on connecting, effective communication, learns how to express yourself in a non-offensive yet clear way to your colleagues
realises that feedback is needed in order to grow and knows how to provide it so that everyone benefits.
My approach
Ook jij kunt leren om mensen gemakkelijker mee te krijgen. Om op een gelijkwaardige manier grenzen te stellen naar je hiërarchie. Om zonder onnodige strijd veranderingen in te voeren – ook bij complexe of lastige onderwerpen. Waar medewerkers positief aan willen bijdragen en zelf met ideeën komen.
Wil je leren hoe dit werkt?
Van harte nodig ik je uit voor mijn eendaagse intensive “De 5 geheimen van verbindende communicatie”
Tijdens deze 1-daagse intensive word je ingewijd in de 5 geheimen van verbindend communiceren, die je helpen om nog meer een krachtige leider te worden.

What can you expect?
A step-by-step approach, with you at the wheel and
feel small changes in your team right away
gain more confidence in what your team can handle, leading you to trust them with more important projects
your team takes more initiative and energy increases
you stop being a 'spider in the web' and dare to rely more on your team;
(to your own surprise) you are also responded to differently outside your team: your team is taken more seriously, but is also more visible within the organisation.

3 Success ingredients
Responsible together:
You grow from 'spider in the web' to 'together at the flywheel' and immediately generate support amongst your team
Emotional safety:
your team not only knows what it is, but comes up with creative solutions to strengthen it themselves.
Connecting, effective communication
& Feedback 2.0
De investering voor deze 1-daagse intensive bedraagt € 780,- excl. BTW, incl. alle materialen, koffie/thee en versnaperingen en een heerlijke lunch.
Wil je een collega meenemen? Dan geven we je graag korting op de deelnameprijs. Je collega is welkom tegen een investering van € 650,- excl. BTW.
Datum en locatie
De intensive vindt plaats op 17/12/24 van 9u30 tot 17u30.
We komen hiervoor bijeen op de bijzondere, inspirerende locatie Second mood, in hartje Turnhout. Parkeren doe je op 3 min. te voet van Second mood.
Een heerlijke lunch is inbegrepen.
Deze dag is onderdeel van het leiderschapsjaartraject ‘Leading by Connection’, maar je kunt hem ook apart volgen. Heb je interesse in het traject? Laat het me weten, dan informeer ik je graag verder!